Monday, March 18, 2013

I've officially turned 62 and proud of it!!!

Well my birthday is over and I'm officially ready for Social Security. YIPPEE!!! Maybe I can get some before there's no more to be had.

My life of quilting is still going strong, making baby quilts right now for charity and some of our KIDS in Missouri.  I am the official video maker for our Scrappy group making YouTube videos of tutorials given by some of our talented ladies. 

I was searching for an ISO burner and the site stated if I blog them in my blog they will give it to me FREE, so here goes.  My computer business here in our Park has been a great addition to some added income and I've enjoyed helping other's out while helping my brain stay fresh and alert. 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Reality Shows of 2011

What enjoyment I find in these reality shows, some I weep tears with bonding in their joys and tribulations and others I sit and think I am so happy I am an "Only Child"! The antics I am sure are television produced with all the drama that appears upon the screen, but it makes me laugh and think, "How STUPID!"

OK you may ask which one's do I watch? Sunday's on Bravo is my favorite channel of choice with the Housewives of all the cities, New York, New Jersey, Orange County. I just wish I had their money so I could get my liposuction, boob lifts, face lifts, plastic surgery done. How could we even wish to have a life like those portrayed?

I find the one on one reality show like Bethenny of Skinny Girl Cocktails is the the most sincere honest show out there. have fallen in love with this family, from the birth of their little girl to the success in her business. She deserves it all, after you listen to her counseling sessions and the life she grew up in.

Just a wonderful place to escape to on a Sunday afternoon, cause they certainly have more problems than ME!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Paducah Quilt Show 2011

This was my first Paducah Quilt Show.  This year I understand they spread the show out due to the flooding of the Mississippi River.  What a treat it was to see so many beautiful quilts and Vendors galore.  If you plan to go just remember to take lots of $$ cause you want to buy everything.  My favorite was the Eleanor Burns show and her tent of Fabrics at only $5/yard. 

Please enjoy a short slideshow of the quilts I saw at the quilt show.

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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sixty (60) and Proud of It!

I turned 60 this year, March 14th to be exact.  I sit here day in and day out on the computer and why am I not utilizing some of my talents and sharing it with the world.  This I ask myself.

In my first post I wish to share with you things that happen in my life, places I travel, my creativity, my love of life and how I wish to live the rest of it.   I am past the half-way mark and looking forward to what life has ahead of me.

I hope you enjoy following along in my love of LIFE, QUILTING, ART, MY PETS and FAMILY.

Debbie =^.^=